timo rautiainen & trio niskalaukaus (timo rautiainen & the headshot trio) was a finnish metal band, having five members despite their name, led by timo rautiainen. usually they made songs in finnish, with two exceptions. a friend convinced timo to make an album in german, called in frostigen tälern (in frozen valleys), and later the band produced a second album in german, hartes land (tough land). the german of in frostigen tälern is not very good, making parts of the lyrics somewhat comical, even though they are very serious. the following is a song from the former album. the song is called liebe ohne grenzen (love without boundaries) and tells the story of a farmer, left by his wife and kids, who tries to commit suicide, unsuccessfully.
the next song, fernfahrer (long-haul truck driver), is about a truck driver, stranded far away from home, his driver licence apparently taken away, thinking about his wife, his kids, and the new husband of his wife.
the third song, also from the same album, is called russlands waisen (russia’s orphans).
the next two songs are from the second album in german, hartes land. the first is hartes land, a song on the death of a father, which means that his property is split up among his two sons. one gets the house, the other the frozen land, the beloveth land. listen to its sound.
the last song is zeit der steigenden säfte, about the crazy son of a couple. mocked by the others, and finally taken away.
(the strings were played by eicca toppinen of apocalyptica.)