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posts for april 25, 2011.

when i saw north atlantic oscillation the first time last week, i knew this was a great band. and the longer i listened to their album grappling hooks, the more i thought that i should write about them on musikwiese. north atlantic oscillation does post-progressive rock and electronica.

the first song, ceiling poem, is rather an ear-worm, at least to me. i really love this song. i already liked it when hearing it first at the concert, and i just have to listen to it alot.

[[for legal reasons, i do not want to include youtube videos here anymore. please click on this link to watch the video at youtube.]]

the next three songs are also very nice. i hope you’ll enjoy them as much as i do…

[[for legal reasons, i do not want to include youtube videos here anymore. please click on this link to watch the video at youtube.]]
[[for legal reasons, i do not want to include youtube videos here anymore. please click on this link to watch the video at youtube.]]
[[for legal reasons, i do not want to include youtube videos here anymore. please click on this link to watch the video at youtube.]]